Our Malawi Partnership
women featured

Supporting women in farming

The initiative also supported Malawi woman farmers in growing, sustaining and selling their crops. Here are six of their stories.

Mercy Lupiya

Mercy, 48, is a single parent of three children and also looks after her three grandchildren. She inherited the tea farm from her parents and worked hard to see a financial return due to the high cost of production.

Mercy purchased 500 tea seedlings through Our Malawi Partnership to fill gaps in her tea plantation and due to her strong belief in co-operation, joined the Nalipiri Tea Co-operative to benefit from their support and resources.

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Fannie Ndemanga

In addition to tea, Fannie grows root vegetables. She believes that upscaling and diversification are the best ways to make her farm profitable given the increasing costs of production. Her introduction to the Nalipiri Tea Co-operative through Our Malawi Partnership provides the training and guidance she needs to provide for her family.

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Minnie Mangochi

Minnie started coffee farming after her husband retired in 2014. To make the most of the limited space available to her, she also cultivates a variety of horticultural crops as well as dairy produce. Through her association with Our Malawi Partnership, she joined the Nkhata-Bay Highlands Co-operative, who markets her coffee through the Mzuzu Coffee Union.

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Rosemary Kaphadzale

Rosemary is a macadamia farmer and a member of Chikwatula Co-operative. She’s passionate about sustainability and after roasting macadamia, she uses the shells for cooking and the ash for compost. She is one of the first farmers to receive macadamia seedlings through Our Malawi Partnership, which supports women and young farmers in increasing their production.

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Temwa Zimba

Temwa is a member of Vibangalala Legume Co-operative. She started farming seven years ago growing soybeans and maize but has diversified into groundnuts.

Supported by Our Malawi Partnership, this 34 year old mother of three managed to buy a goat from her previous season’s sales and has improved her household’s food security and nutrition as a result.

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Gladys Chibwe

Glady’s main source of income is rice farming, and she joined the Bua Rice Co-operative for the opportunities it provides. She was trained in the use of organic fertiliser through the Our Malawi Partnership initiative.

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